Enable Properties

Property Persistence 

When the Persistence property is True (Default), control properties that are set at design time are maintained at run time. If the Persistence property is set to False, the properties that you set at design time will not be maintained when you run your application.

In Internet applications, it is advantageous to set the Persistence property to False, to decrease download time.

Property Locations

Generally, ImagXpress properties read from the ImagXpress® control. However, when image buffers share between multiple ImagXpress controls, the control may not contain the most up to date property information on the shared buffer.

For example, if an image was loaded into ImagXpress1 with LoadCropEnabled = true, then ImagXpress2 assigns ProcessImageID to that buffer, the ImagXpress2 control will not have information about the LoadCrop that was performed by imagXpress1. In cases such as this, set PropertyLocations to point to the buffer, not the component. 

See Also



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